The twin brother on Peng - they say Pong looks more like Pepe


Pong is an adorable penguin with a unique green hue that makes him the center of attention in his Antarctic colony. His vibrant color is a whimsical twist of nature that leaves his peers quite intrigued. Despite his unusual appearance, he carries himself with an air of confidence and a charismatic charm that endears him to all. Pong's closest companion is Peng, a fellow penguin who shares his adventurous spirit and love for exploration. Together, they embark on exciting adventures, their strong bond exemplifying the true meaning of friendship. Pong’s story is not just about standing out, but also about the beauty of acceptance and the power of friendship to overcome differences.


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Total Supply
10 million

Transaction Tax
0% for buy and sell

Liquidity Pool
100% BURNT

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